Shannara Wiki - Exploring the Magical World of Shannara
Shannara Wiki - Exploring the Magical World of Shannara

Rovers are a class of people who have no set home and sometimes serve as mercenaries. They wander the Westland in large caravans, and can sometimes be found in the Southland as well.


Rovers are of the Race of Man, though there have been rare exceptions like the Elf Queen Wren Elessedil.

Initial depictions of Rovers were based closely on stereotypes of Romani people and Traveler communities. Rovers were seen by other people as being dangerous thieves, a temperamental people without a strong moral compass. They wore brightly colored clothes, sashes, and jewelry.

Rovers also adhered to a sexist belief system called "The Way" where women and their needs were considered secondary to men and men's needs. Eretria, the first female Rover to be depicted in the Shannara series, is incredibly strong and independent and has more freedom than most women, perhaps because she is the daughter of a caravan leader. In later books, The Way is not mentioned again and strong Rover women such as Rue Meridian continue to be center stage in the stories.

However, mistreatment of women seems to continue: The Rover Lariana was the daughter of a chieftain, but because she was not the firstborn child, she was treated like property and was told at the age of fifteen that she would be married off in trade. Because she refused, she was disowned and left to fend for herself on the streets.

Rovers bear no allegiance but were often friendly with the Druids and their allies, particularly during the time of Walker Boh. In later Shannara novels, Rovers are known to work as mercenaries, usually involved in the fighting between the Federation and its enemies. With the advent of airships, Rovers become experts in airship travel and are often hired out as airship crew for that reason.

Alphabetical List of Rovers[]
